A journey of a thousand pees…

…starts with one single pee!

Whether you are thinking about starting EC with your baby or considering potty training your 18+ toddler, often the biggest hurdle is just getting started. Once that first pee - or poo! - goes in the potty, the journey ahead doesn't seem as daunting. But how then do you take that first step?

If you're in the EC category and feeling hesitant, my number one advice is to start slow and small. Just like with new year's resolutions, the more achievable your goal, the more likely you are to stick with it and make long-lasting changes.  Equally with EC, instead of aiming to ditch nappies completely this year, you can start by changing one small habit. Take your baby to the potty once a day. Choose the easiest time for you both (I went for post-nap, but first thing in the morning, after a feed or at nappy changes are all good options) and get into a rhythm. Then build it up from there. Once you start "catching" pees or poos, you'll be hooked.

Thinking about potty training? Start by setting a date when you will do it and clear the calendar, so there's no going back. Then use the time before to build up your confidence: this is the cornerstone of potty training. If you trust yourself and your toddler you are more likely to succeed. Toddlers are capable and ready. They are innately interested in the world and want to learn and imitate what they see. They are masters of mastery, so use this to your advantage! Be aware that using nappies is a big part of their world, so be prepared (and confident!) to listen to their feelings and empathise with them - just like you were feeling uncertain about this change, so are they.  But if you start the journey feeling confident, you are more likely to stay committed and come out the other side having said goodbye to nappies once and for all.

If you want more support with a specific issue, I am now offering email consultations as well as 1:1 online consultations. Please contact me to discuss how I can best help you.


Five natural alternatives to disposable nappies