Finding your tribe..
It's nervous-system, trauma-informed, imperfect parenting from a recovering authoritarian parent
I used to think I had nothing new to offer, because there's so many other parenting accounts, and I live a pretty average life in London, in a pretty average house. I don't have elaborate parenting scripts to share, we're not a "Montessori family", we're not travelling world-schoolers and I don't show my kids a lot on social media. And yet, all these seemingly average things have led me to find similar minded people.
Because actually talking about trusting babies' and children's innate wisdom, sharing the principles of Aware Parenting and re-parenting and how our kids behaviour is just a reflection of their nervous system, is still not mainstream.
So hello, wonderful you! This is me, a chronic over-thinker, who lives in a pretty average non-Instagram worthy home, currently home-educating our two kids, and passionate about deconditioning from our disconnected culture's way of raising children. I worry about the long term impacts of mainstream parenting on babies and children and the effect of that on our world, so I'm pretty passionate about parenting without coercion, I'm into low-tox living and I like sharing about foraging and the herbal remedies I make, how I'm deconditioning cultural beliefs, trying to be out in nature daily and incorporating ancestral living ideas.
I love spending time with my kids (most of the time) and I am incredibly grateful to have discovered Aware Parenting 6 years ago.It's barefoot shoes and ancestral living practices, it's low-tox living and herbal remedies, it's knitting and crafting and making things with my hands, and unschooling and finding nature in a big city.
I realise how disparate that sounds, but I'm building a community here with other parents who resonate. So to all the other parents who feel like they don't truly fit in with the mainstream narratives, this is just to say, be your own self, it's the only way to really find your tribe.
If any of these weird, randomly connected themes resonate, you're so welcome here! It’s not about fitting in—it’s about staying true to yourself. 💛